
Here’s what people are saying about Speak No Evil!

‘Speak No Evil’ Issue 1 Review: The Box


That’s Not Current

Comic Review: Speak No Evil #1

Almost Normal Comics

Speak No Evil Comic Review: A Fun Lovecraftian Tale!


ComicWow! – 7/10

Speak No Evil #1 ComicWow! Review


Jeremy Myers Review

Speak No Evil is about two brothers in the 1930s trying to make it on their own. Silas and Edwin argue, joke, and mischief their way through this steep and winding water slide of a first issue. Artist Samir Simao, and colorist Chunlin Zhao lure you in with a calm starry night, and then Writers Justin Corbett and George Tripsas fire the gun for an all out sprint. The comic drags you from page to page, pulling you along like an undercurrent until you are deposited at the shore gasping for another ride!

The late 1930s setting is showcased throughout, from spiffy vests and bow ties to familiar cast members like H.P. Lovecraft and Nikola Tesla. Breaking loose from the 1930s theme are weapons that would make the futurist Tesla proud, a well paired contemporary balance to the period. The further additions of both Horror and sci-fi elements make it retrofreshingly unique. Panel angles are varied and thought out, with an array of techniques used in this area without overstepping. Panel to panel, page to page, the comic flows seamlessly together. It is the little things that give a comic a truly professional feel, and its chocked full of them. Red outlines on certain speech bubbles, masterful displays of SFX. The ax bit was on hilarious. Foreshadowing is all over and makes me wonder about some of the symbols, the stuff that hasn’t been answered. We get a head start in terms of story on our young heroes but not much of one!

It’s hard to critique a story early in the arc, but after chapter one I’m hooked. There is definitely a story brewing here, and we are left with plenty of possibilities to ponder while waiting on issue number two. I was aware that issue two would be on Kickstarter before I read issue one, and after doing so, will be a day one pledge to support this project going forward.